Wildcat Homeowners Association
How to Use This Site
Getting Started
E-mails and Junk Mail
Forgot My Password
I Don't Want to Log In Every Visit
Log-in Trouble
Change My Mailing or Email Address
Using the Website
How to Upload Pictures
Member Functions
Forum etiquette
Help! I Need Extra Help!
How to Use This Site
Welcome, web site of the Wildcat Homeowners Association!
If this is your first visit, read below to see how to get started. Make your profile page and personalize it by adding pictures. Discover how to do it all right on this page!
As time goes on, please remember to keep your profile up-to-date with current contact information, and enjoy using this site as a portal to reconnect with old friends. GETTING STARTED: Please take a few minutes of your time to create your Classmate Profile. Click the Classmate Profiles tab in the top left navigation. You will be taken to a listing of the class. Click on your name and follow the instructions to create your login. Once you create a profile, you will also be able to see the profiles of your fellow classmates and interact with them. You don't have to finish your profile all at once. Come back whenever you want to add to or update your information, or add more photos. DON'T LET OUR EMAILS GO INTO YOUR JUNK FOLDER: Please add (or allow) the following email address to your "Safe Senders" list so that your spam blocker will allow emails notifications from this web site: FORGOTTEN PASSWORD: If you forget your password, just click on "Forgot Password?" under the login feature, and it will be emailed to you. I DON'T WANT TO LOG IN EVERY VISIT: If you click "Keep Me Logged In" when you log in, you will not need to log in next time you go to the site. You can log in from computers other than your home computer but you will need to enter your e-mail and password. When using a computer other than your own, please remember to "Log Out" when you leave The Wildcatter. TROUBLE WITH EMAIL AND PASSWORD LOG IN: Your computer is not retaining cookies. A cookie is a little piece of data stored on your hard drive and is used by Class Creator to maintain the login system. Although cookie problems are rare, when they do occur you have several resolutions. Try any of the following:
CHANGE OF EMAIL OR SNAIL MAIL ADDRESS: Please change your contact information when you get a new internet provider or move ... we don't want to lose you. We keep our Class List current by downloading your contact information from this web site. web site ADMINISTRATORS: This web site was created using the web hosting company, and is maintained by Woody Hamrick. You can reach us by using the Contact Us button. Questions: Just click on the "Contact Us" button and we'll reply as soon as possible. How to upload pictures to your profile:
If you are still having problems, please Contact Us.
On the left side of the web site are links to the things you can do when you are logged into the site. An explanation of each follows: Member Functions: Check Messages This feature lists all the emails you have received (IN BOX) as well as those you have sent (OUT BOX) through this web site. Your messages will remain in their respective boxes until you delete them. A KEY at the top of both the IN BOX and OUT BOX shows symbols representing the status of an email. You will find one of these symbols to the left of each email listed. Each listed email shows: (1). A box to check, (2). Its status; (3). Either who sent it to you (IN BOX) or who you sent it to (OUT BOX), (4). Subject and date of email, and (5). A red "X." In both the IN BOX and OUT BOX settings, clicking on sender's name brings up that person's profile page and clicking on the subject brings up the actual email. Clicking inside the box on the far left or on the red "X" on the far right, will turn the background red. This means that the email can be deleted by choosing the tab at the bottom of the page that says DELETE CHECKED THREAD.
Member Functions: Edit Contact Info
Choosing this feature will allow you to view all of the contact information you entered into your contact information page. You can change your contact info anytime it is necessary. Be sure to click the SAVE CHANGES tab at the bottom of the page when you have finished. Member Functions: Edit Profile Choosing this feature will allow you to change the information that shows on your profile page. Be sure to click the SAVE CHANGES tab at the bottom of the page when you have finished.
[Member Functions: Edit/Upload Photos
To add photos to your profile you must be able to locate exactly where the picture is on your computer. Most of the time, it will be in the folder titled MY PICTURES. Follow the directions further up on this page for adding, deleting, and editing photos. Member Functions: Post Announcement When you have information you think would be of interest to classmates, you can create your own announcement. The announcement will be forwarded to the administrator who will make it go live on the Home Page.
Member Functions: Change Password
If you wish to change your password, click on CHANGE PASSWORD under Member Functions. A page with 3 sections for you to fill in will appear.
If you forget your password, click on the forgot password below your log-in email name, and a new password will be emailed to you. The Administrator cannot see your password, only reset to a new password. The new password will be emailed to you and you will need to change it to enter a password of your choosing.
Printing Directions
Sending Messages To The Site Administrator The easiest way to send a message (an email) is to click on the navigation link CONTACT US on the left side of the Home Page. A large message box will come up in which you can type in anything you need: